
/ Now here, over there II

Rietveld graduate show’16
12.06.2016 – 25.06.2016

birch plywood, pinewood, double sided kraft paper prints, porcelain foam, pigments, sand and transparent plastic



With this work we digest the making process of landscape “part I”. Now here, over there considers the way we remember moments through images and how they shape the way we remember. Since the moment of experience is fleeting, the value of the moment is only manifested in the form of memory. But in our attempt to grasp the memory the reality transforms into fiction. By tracing back the steps taken, we try to find logic in the unconscious process that occurred during the making of this landscape, trying to become aware of the moments one would normally describe as accidental. Linking moments in space and time by using posters. Using the medium of posters to create a layered multi-chronological cycle of space and time, the work plays with the morphing of a real experience to an artificially created situation and vice versa.